Meet Hugo, a static page generator
A convenient workflow for every web developer. Learn more about the Hugo generator, when should you use it and what are its flaws.

This very website was created using the Hugo static page generator.
The project is divided into several subdirectories, the most important of which are:
- content: Markdown content of pages, one file - one subpage. The internal folder structure corresponds to the page structure.
- assets: files that require processing before generating the page, such as: SASS, minification, bundling.
- layouts: the layout templates that are used to generate individual pages.
- static: static files copied without modifying, such as images, pure CSS, JS, etc.
The workflow is extremely convenient. Hugo has a built-in server that automatically generates the website once it detects a file change and refreshes the browser. The speed is astonishing - on my PC it takes ~15ms to update the content, while generating the entire website (including converting SASS to CSS) takes just a second!
Deployment is also easy, especially on platforms like Github, Gitlab, or Netlify. Pages written with Hugo integrate very well with git.
Why exactly Hugo?
First of all: the ease of making changes. Adding new pages and posts isn’t a problem at all. You only need a simple text editor for editing. There’s no need for a CMS and the markdown posts are very portable.
Other advantages are speed and low resource usage. At the moment of writing this article, Hugo with its built-in server uses only 60 MB of memory. The page generation speed means that I can see the changes in my browser immediately after pressing CTRL+S. From a hosting stance, a static page generated by Hugo can be used anywhere - it’s just HTML. You don’t need database access nor a code interpreter, which opens up a wide range of free hosting solutions, such as Github Pages or Netlify.
I see Hugo as a tool for programmers only, as it won’t come in useful otherwise.
A rough diamond
Hugo is a great tool, although it’s hard to get started. I’ve encountered some issues that might be worth mentioning:
Hugo has significant gaps in the documentation, making it hard to find information on some topics. For example: the more we use Hugo templating, the more whitespace we will find in the generated HTML code. The solution is simple - by surrounding the {{variables}} in the brackets with an {{- extra dash -}}, Hugo will remove the unnecessary whitespace around the brackets. This was also hard to find in Google - if you’re searching under “hugo remove extra new lines”, then you won’t find anything in the official documentation. It’s a rather small thing, but it’s a good example.
Compiling SCSS requires downloading the Hugo Extended version. Starting my adventure with Hugo, I copied a snippet converting SCSS to CSS, which additionally requires the NPM postcss module. I received a rather vague error message, which in no way indicated that the module was not installed. According to Github Issues this ambiguity has been corrected, but I hit this in the latest version as well.
Hugo does not have a built-in default theme. When you run the “hugo new site” command, you only get an empty directory structure. In the starter guide, the authors recommend downloading the Ananke theme using git. I consider this a significant obstacle for beginners - the recommended theme is quite extensive and it is hard to start modifying it without sufficient knowledge. A much better solution to start with would be a simple Hello World: with two subpages, comments in the code for what the file is used for, and a basic header / content / footer structure.
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Maciej Kaszkowiak
I try to write about interesting things, such as artificial intelligence, created projects, and travel - see all posts.

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